Cem Ölmez
Musician, Educator, Session Drummer
Cem Ölmez (@olmezdrums) Musician, Educator, Session Drummer Bands: Kara Ejderha, BGD (Bildiğin Gibi Değil), Irmak Ca
Set up:
18” Araf China
15” Icon Hi-hat 1
0” Araf Mini-hat
18” Raven Crash
12” Araf China
10” Raven Splash
16” Thunder Lord FX Crash
23” Raven Ride
19” Araf China
18” Stack (Raiden Crash top, Thunder Earth China bottom)
18” Icon Crash
Drumming since the age of 10, Cem grew up listening to classic rock bands. During his teenage years he got into metal drumming and it’s influence can still be heard to this day. He played in many bands, and collaborated with many musicians who make original music thus creating an outlet for him to express his feelings. After he met practices of yoga (and later many more spiritual practices) music took a more holistic level in his life, serving the music regardless of the genre or setting. Being one of the ]irst Symrna artists, Cem exclusively plays Symrna since 2017. Nowadays he gives drum lessons and clinics, produces music himself and with his bands. He also does session work, and currently working in one of the biggest recording studios in Turkey.